September 13, 2010 School Board Agenda
Joint Meeting
Waverly/South Shore Board of Education and South Shore City Board
September 13, 2010 7:00pm
Location: South Shore School Gymnasium
1. Call to order:
2. Roll Call: W-SS Board: Strang Fischer Heuer Buchholz _Thyen
South Shore City Board
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approve Agenda
A. Discussion Items:
1. Discuss the closing of the South Shore Elementary site at the end of the 2010-11 school year.
2. Review and discuss the terms of the Dissolve and Attach Agreement
3. Adjourn
Waverly/South Shore Board Meeting Agenda
Waverly District 14-5
September 13, 2010 7:30pm
South Shore School Gymnasium
1. Call to order. Roll call: Strang, Fischer, Heuer, Buchholz,__Thyen
A. Agenda- Pledge of Allegiance—Changes and additions.
Motion: Second: Carried:
B.Recognition of Guests
2. Correction and approval of the minutes from August meeting.
Motion: Second: Carried:
3. Approval of Financial Report.
Motion: Second: Carried:
4. Approval of the August bills/payroll.
Motion: Second: Carried:
5. Teacher Presentations
6. Building and Grounds report- David Strang –
7. LAMD report-Mike Fischer
8. NESC report—Dennis Thyen
9. Transportation Report- Mr. Jones
10. Administrative Reports- Jones-Meyer-Hemmingson
Action Items
A. Review kitchen window quote from Soderlund
Motion: Second: Carried:
B: Approve agreement with Schoenfish & Company to do 2009-10 audit
Motion: Second: Carried:
C. Approve contract for Kristina Atyeo-Gormaker to do E-Rate for 2010-11 year
Motion: Second: Carried:
D. Approve open enrollment application
Motion: Second: Carried:
E. Open and tally bids on destroyed bus.
Motion: Second: Carried:
11 Executive Session: Personnel ( personnel, negotiations)
Motion: Second: Carried:
Declared out by Board Chairman: time:_____
12 Adjourn:
Motion: Second: Carried:
Next regular board meeting- October 11th, 2010 @ Waverly 7:00pm