March 14, 2011 Board Minutes
The Waverly/South Shore School Board met in regular session on March 14, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the gym of the South Shore school with the following members present: D. Strang, M Fischer, A. Heuer, J. Buchholz, and D. Thyen. Guests and others present: D. Jones, J. Meyer, M. Hemmingson-Business Manager, and interested parties.
Motion by Buchholz, second by Heuer to approve agenda with the following change: Remove business item F. approval of 2011-2012 school calendar. Motion carried.
Motion by Thyen, second by Fischer to approve the minutes of the February meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Thyen to approve the financial report. Motion carried.
Motion by Heuer, second by Fischer to approve the February bills and payroll. Motion carried.
General Fund Capital Outlay Special Ed. Pension Food Service Tr & Agency
Feb 1, 2011
Beginning Balance $1,049,149.92 $356,027.43 $66,392.24 $66,514.94 $8,392.69 $17,845.96
Receipts: Local $15,802.22 $5,840.38 $5,272.29 $393.18 $5,542.73 $3,966.71
County $1,370.16 $0.00
State $115,776.92 $0.00 $3,517.00 $0.00
Federal $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,899.36
Expenditures $139,704.11 $232.68 $20,888.71 $0.00 $8,203.52 $2,756.25
Audit Adjustments
Ending Balance $1,042,395.11 $361,635.13 $54,292.82 $66,908.12 $9,631.26 $19,056.42
Feb 28, 2011
General Fund: A&B Business-copier maint/615.81-supplies/178.80, Alltel, cell/127.22, G. Anderson-sc. Fair judge/80.00, Apex Learning-seats/375.00, ASBSD-dues/200.00, Best Business-copier maint/155.00, Budget text-supp/74.93, Carolina Biological-supp/61.00, Classroom Connection-supp/11.17, Codington Clark Electric-electricity/2,145.89, Constructive Playthings-supp/120.72, T. Dagel-sc. Fair judge/80.00, Dependable Sanitation-garbage/220.45, Distributed Website-services/338.66, Eric Armin-supp/276.75, GBS-checks/388.40, Glass Products-repair lock/10.10, Harlow’s-bus sup/300.39, M Hemmingson-mileage/11.10, Henry Booster Club-ECC band fest/145.00, Henry School-ECC band fest/58.00, Hillyard-supp/288.03, Huffman Construction-snow removal/637.50, Hy-Vee-supp/26.95, ITC-phones/151.51, Jostens-yearbook/2174.80, JW Pepper-supp/69.90, K&M Service-bus service/503.38, D. Kahnke-sc. Fair judge/80.00, Kleritec-supp/434.26, C. Koll-mileage/11.10, KSDR-adv/60.00, LAMD-4th qtr/9377.50, Menards-supp/162.94, J. Meyer-reimb/100.00, T. Nelson-mileage/59.20, New Horizons-training/636.00, NESC-assess/43.30, Otter Tail Power-electricity/792.25, R. Palo-reimb/56.12, D. Pederson-reimb/8.22, Petty Cash-reimb for postage/15.10, Quill-supplies/252.21, Qwest-phones/381.41, Redlinger Bros-repairs/485.35, J. Robbins-mileage/105.31, School specialty-supp/51.17, Sioux Rural Water-water/163.00, Sioux Valley Coop-fuel/15,293.22, Sisseton Kiwanis-choral fest/25.00, Sisseton school-choral fest/77.85, South Shore Gazette-publishing/221.00, Star Laundry-laundry/164.95, Street Graphex-awards/98.56, Summit Learning-supp/156.45, Superior-Showboard-supp//413.00, Titan Machinery-bus repairs/1195.04, Town of South shore-water/36.00, USPS-stamps/44.00, Visa-supp/232.58, VOA-workshop/140.00, Watertown School Dist-fingerprints/86.50, Waverly Trust & Agency-reimb/733.34,W. West-mileage/56.24, and Xerox Capital Services-copier maint/20.22. Total $42,101.85.
Capital Outlay: Dacotah Bank-lease/52.68 and Variety Foods-dishwasher lease/65.00. Total-$117.68.
Special Education: Abbott House-services/1144.92, Human Services Agency-services/1041.60, NESC-assess/1623.05-center base/7092.62, and Quill-supp/15.33 . Total-$10,917.52.
Food Service: Bernard-food/260.05, Child & Adult Nutrition-food/845.22, CWD-food/1764.52, Earthgrains-food/367.94, Hy-Vee-food/343.66, D. Southwick-food/27.16, Star Laundry-laundry/54.30, Variety Foods-food/630.42, and Waverly T&A-reimb/36.50. Total-$4,329.77.
Trust & Agency: B. Guthmiller-reimb for supp/25.55, Hy-Vee-supp/75.65, Pepsi-pop/44.86, Visa-supp/139.88, Henry School-ECC science/21.75, SDSCA-convention & shirts/324.00, J. Benning-BB ref/75.00, Elks-awards banquet/30.00, B. Helkenn-kitchen supp/36.50, T. Johnson-BB ref/97.20, G. Lee-BB ref/108.30, B. Olson-BB ref/75.00, P. Schmig-BB ref/83.14, Scholastic Book Fair-ck made to school/20.00, SDCA-dues/285.00, S. Van Heerde-BB ref/75.00, and Region Music Contest-fee/58.00. Total $1,574.83.
Payroll: General: Elementary $34,175.49, Middle School $7,500.45, Secondary $20,333.72, Driver’s Ed $0.00, Reap $1,366.80, Title I $4,237.43, Title I ARRA $144.00, Guidance $2,645.83, Improvement of Instruction $0.00, Board of Education $0.00, Superintendent $2933.33, Principal $2933.34, Title I Administration $0.00, Fiscal $5,593.94, Operations & Maintenance $4,750.41, Pupil Transportation $6,033.80, Title I Private $214.17, Early Retirement $0.00, Male Activities $6361.37, Female Activities $5009.10, and Co-curricular $2,087.10. General Fund Total $106,320.28. Sped: $7,832.15. Food Service: $3,597.05.
Buildings and Grounds report: Tenant moved from house and options were discussed, concession stand remodel, and window for kitchen is ordered.
M. Fischer gave LAMD report.
D. Jones gave NESC report.
D. Jones gave the transportation report. Bus 6 needs new tires and an alignment and can’t get to some houses due to roads.
D. Jones, J. Meyer, and M. Hemmingson gave administrative reports: Jones-results of fire inspection, refunds for ACES packets-this was tabled until next month, negotiations will start soon, legislative session is over-a budget/negotiations planning session will be scheduled, and upcoming events were scheduled. Meyer-Optimist tournament held in gym, student council going to state convention and donating proceeds of donut sales from March to Children’s Miracle Network, science fair, ECC spelling contest, AD conference, and BB all conference will be announced soon were all discussed. Hemmingson-One open spot on the board: D. Strang-3 year term-Petitions can be taken out starting April 12th and must be turned in no later than 5 PM on May 13th, food prices are on the rise and will get higher with the new federal regulations that are coming out, D. Strang will be attending the Town of SS equalization meeting on Mar. 21st at 7 PM, and copier lease is up-this is tabled until next month.
Business Items:
Motion by Heuer, second by Thyen to approve the first reading of an update to the District Policy to Ensure the Rights of Children Experiencing Homelessness. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Buchholz to approve the first reading of the District complaint Policy for Federal Programs. Motion carried.
Motion by Buchholz, second by Heuer to approve Cal Nygaard as driver’s education instructor at $20.00 per hour. Motion carried.
Discussion on legislative issues.
Discussion on 2011-2012 budget.
The board answered questions from interested parties in attendance regarding the South Shore site. A joint meeting with the Town of South Shore was set up for Thursday March 31st at 7:30 PM. The two boards will walk through the building at 7 PM.
Motion by Heuer, second by Buchholz to enter into executive session for personnel and legal issues at 8:30 PM.
Declared out by board chairman at 9:30 PM.
Motion by Heuer, second by Buchholz to approve administration contracts for M. Hemmingson and J. Meyer for the 2011-2012 school year with salaries to be determined. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Thyen to adjourn the meeting at 9:40 PM. Motion carried. Next regular board meeting to be held on Monday April 11, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in Waverly. Special Joint meeting with the Town of South Shore scheduled for Thursday March 31 at 7:30 PM.
_David Strang_____ Misty Hemmingson_____
Published once at the approximate cost of $________.