March 31, 2011 Special Joint Meeting Agenda WSS School Board and Town of SS
Waverly/South Shore School Board and Town of South Shore
Special Joint Meeting Agenda
Waverly District 14-5
March 31st, 2011 7:30pm
South Shore School Gymnasium
1. Call to order. Roll call: Strang, Fischer, Heuer, Buchholz,__Thyen
Town of South Shore Roll call: Meyer Strong __ Grewing
A. Agenda- Pledge of Allegiance—Changes and additions.
Motion: Second: Carried:
B.Recognition of Guests
2. Discussion of fixed assets from South Shore site.
Motion: Second: Carried:
3. Discussion for lease of gym and bus garage for 2011-2012 school year.
Motion: Second: Carried:
4. Adjourn.
Motion: Second: Carried:
Next regular meeting scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2011 at 7:00 PM in Waverly.