July 12, 2010 Board Minutes
The Waverly/South Shore School Board met in regular session on July 12, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school room of the new addition at the Waverly school with the following members present: D. Strang, M Fischer, A. Heuer, M. Comes, and D. Thyen. Guests and others present: D. Jones, J. Buchholz, and M. Hemmingson-Business Manager.
Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to approve agenda with the following additions: 13A. Surplus Bus 593 and call for bids. Motion carried.
Budget hearing was held until 7:15 pm.
Motion by Comes, second by Thyen to approve the minutes of the June 14th meeting. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to approve the financial report. Motion carried.
Motion by Thyen, second by Comes to approve the June/July bills and payroll. Motion carried.
General Fund Capital Outlay Special Ed. Pension Capital Projects Food Service Tr & Agency
June 1, 2010
Beginning Balance $1,082,093.11 $420,422.84 $66,365.77 $55,907.28 $0.00 $14,380.92 $19,040.87
Receipts: Local $69,296.47 $24,878.89 $19,684.08 $1,842.38 $4,667.27 $2,642.73
County $1,689.51 $0.00
State $75,580.00 $0.00 $4,293.00 $685.34
Federal $35,965.00 $0.00 $15,815.00 $3,879.64
Expenditures $312,206.18 $27,078.79 $35,855.96 $430.60 $0.00 $14,896.46 $1,943.76
Audit Adjustments
Ending Balance $933,171.91 $418,222.94 $62,505.89 $57,319.06 $0.00 $6,980.51 $18,890.87
June 30, 2010
General Fund: A&B Business-copier maint/410.86, Alltel, cell/224.69, America Legacy-supplies/131.74, ASBSD-dues/762.49, Award Decals-supplies/162.70, Ball Dynamics-supplies/87.59, Best Business-copier maint/139.64, Carson-Dellosa-supplies/139.22, Cengage-supplies/407.75, Codington Clark Electric-electricity/886.13, Coteau Shopper-advertising/55.73, Dependable Sanitation-garbage/220.45, Diamond Vogel-paint/570.67, Eric Armin-supplies/21.50, FJ Mclaughlin-black dirt/29.85, Flinn Scientific-supplies/1034.67, Follett-supplies/74.75, Harlow Bus Sales-supplies/116.86, Hillyard-supplies/3123.67, Hy-Vee-supplies/392.59, Insect Lore-supplies/52.96, ITC-phones/286.88, Labolt Farmers-weed spray/12.00, Lakeshore-supplies/190.67, Menards-supplies/68.98, Mindware-supplies/62.79, NCS Pearson-supplies/3469.00, Otter Tail Power-electricity/403.52, PC & Mac-supplies/101.90, Pearson-supplies/3364.25, Plank Road Publishing-supplies/107.25, Really Good Stuff-supplies/206.05, Redlinger Bros-repairs/765.32, Renaissance Learning-AR/1480.00, Riddell-FB reconditioning/2724.26, J. Robbins-mileage & reimb/65.72, Rogers Athletic-FB sled & agiles/3857.00, Scholastic-supplies/57.73, School House Global-supplies/139.80, School Specialty-supplies/282.06, SD Coalition of Schools-dues/550.00, SDSTA-dues/50.00, Sioux Rural Water-water/100.80, Smilemakers-supplies/81.94, South Shore Gazette-publishing/274.86, Student Assurance-CAT ins/500.00, Summit Learning-supplies/51.75, Supreme School Specialty-supplies/104.11, Teacher Direct-supplies/72.47, Titan Machinery-bus repairs/3306.46, Town of South Shore-water/36.00, Visa-supplies/727.79, Watertown Ford-driver’s ed car/199.44, Watertown Public Opinion-advertising & supplies/363.59, Waverly Student Council-bank fees/30.00, Waverly Trust & Agency-reimb/237.00, and Zaner Bloser-supplies/1218.59. Payroll: Elementary $0.00, Secondary $0.00, Driver’s Ed $0.00, Reap $0.00, Title I $0.00, Guidance $0.00, Improvement of Instruction $0.00, Board of Education $0.00, Superintendent $2933.33, Principal $2933.34, Title I Administration $0.00, Fiscal $2926.67, Operations & Maintenance $0.00, Pupil Transportation $0.00, Title I Private $0.00, Male Activities $0.00 and Female Activities $0.00. Total-$43,389.83.
Capital Outlay: Connecting Point-projectors/11,125.50, Dacotah Bank-lease/52.68, and Pearson-English and Math series/18,555.59.. Total-$29,733.77.
Special Education: Best Western-hotel/404.95, Carson-Dellosa-supplies/48.92, Human Service Agency-services/645.30, W. Kruger-mileage/374.07, Lakeshore-supplies/54.90, S. Luken-mileage/164.28, PCI Educational-supplies/149.46 and Weiser Educational-supplies/52.00. Payroll/$0.00. Total-$1,893.88.
Capital Projects: None.
Food Service: Hy-Vee-supplies/60.75 and Waverly T&A-reimb for food conf/170.00. Payroll/$0.00. Total-$230.75.
Trust & Agency: Hy-Vee-JR Class Balloons/160.00, K. Isack-science fair award/50.00, SASD-dues/237.00, SDSNA-food conf/170.00, A. Thyen-science fair award/50.00, and M Zemlicka-science fair award/50.00. Total $717.00.
No NESC report.
D. Jones gave LAMD report.
Building & Grounds report: Seal for front door in Waverly is on backorder, sod is being watered, waiting on estimate for mold in classroom, and discussed freezer and dishwasher options.
D. Jones gave the transportation report. New bus will be here by the 1st of August, some buses need to have signs redone, and all buses passed inspection.
D. Jones gave administrative report: Dakota Step results look good, handbook changes, Math series training, Aug 6th novanet training, and reports are going for the new year.
Action/Discussion Items:
Motion by Heuer, second by Thyen to accept and approve the June 15th election results. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Comes to extend 1 year lease to A. Lehrke for the rental of the house at $250.00 per month. Motion carried.
Motion by Thyen, second by Heuer to surplus bus #593, manufactured by Amtran Corporation International model number SS-24, year 1993 diesel with a VIN of 1HVBBPHM2PH497352 after a whole has been drilled in the block and fluids drained, and put it out for bids. The school district reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Motion carried.
Motion by Comes, second by Thyen to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Next regular board meeting to be held on Monday August 9, 2010 at 7:00 P.M. in Waverly.
_David Strang_____ Misty Hemmingson_____
Published once at the approximate cost of $________.