April 11, 2011 Board Minutes
The Waverly/South Shore School Board met in regular session on April 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the science room of the Waverly school with the following members present: D. Strang, M Fischer, A. Heuer, J. Buchholz, and D. Thyen. Guests and others present: D. Jones, J. Robbins, B. Krause, and M. Hemmingson-Business Manager.
Motion by Thyen, second by Heuer to approve agenda with the following change: Buildings and Grounds add decision on house and garage. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Buchholz to approve the minutes of the March meetings. Motion carried.
Motion by Heuer, second by Fischer to approve the financial report. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Thyen to approve the March bills and payroll. Motion carried.
General Fund Capital Outlay Special Ed. Pension Food Service Tr & Agency
Mar 1, 2011
Beginning Balance $1,042,395.11 $361,635.13 $54,292.82 $66,908.12 $9,631.26 $18,998.42
Receipts: Local $19,596.23 $5,537.73 $3,851.25 $373.48 $6,644.15 $2,439.99
County $1,517.90 $0.00
State $76,816.00 $0.00 $3,518.00 $0.00
Federal $0.00 $5,415.00 $0.00 $2,959.82
Expenditures $165,617.37 $117.68 $20,038.31 $0.00 $8,543.52 $948.39
Audit Adjustments
Ending Balance $974,707.87 $372,470.18 $41,623.76 $67,281.60 $10,691.71 $20,490.02
Mar 31, 2011
General Fund: A&B Business-copier maint/450.09, Active Heating-services/850.56, Alltel, cell/134.22, Best Business-copier maint/155.00, Brown Clinic-bus physicals/249.00, Codington Clark Electric-electricity/2,144.61, Dependable Sanitation-garbage/220.45, R. Gross-reimb for ticket/376.30, M Hemmingson-mileage/82.51, R. Heyduk-snow removal/1665.00, Hillyard-supp/467.50, Huffman Construction-snow removal/337.50, Hy-Vee-supp/21.55, ITC-phones/292.37, Jostens-diplomas/73.09-8th diplomas/27.53-covers/41.95-medals/30.98, K&M Service-suburban service/165.98, B. Kirch-reimb/15.87, C. Koll-mileage/19.98, KSDR-adv/60.00, Learning Resources-supp/378.91, S. Luken-reimb/7.42, Menards-supp/156.82, Muth Electric-service/170.41, T. Nelson-mileage/51.80, NESC-assess/43.30, NPSSA-National Honor Society-dues/85.00, Office Peeps-supp/23.92, Otter Tail Power-electricity/703.12, Petty Cash-reimb/19.37, Qwest-phones/371.30, Reading Horizons-supp/3593.53, Redlinger Bros-repairs/723.78, SDASBO-conf fee/50.00, SDHSAA-dues/295.00-rule books/203.00, SDSTE-dues/30.00, Sioux Rural Water-water/166.35, Sioux Valley Coop-fuel/12,135.82, South Shore Gazette-publishing/185.60, Sport Supply Group-supp/53.78, Star Laundry-laundry/217.24, S. Strang-reimb-22.67-mileage/81.40, Theatre House-supp/96.85, TIE-dues/640.00, Titan Machinery-bus repairs/926.77, University of Oregon-dibels/92.00, USPS-stamps/88.00, US Toy Co-supp/508.69, Visa-supp/299.66, Waverly Trust & Agency-reimb/531.50, Xerox Capital Services-copier maint/97.71, and Great Western Bank-fees/117.64. Total $31,050.40.
Capital Outlay: Dacotah Bank-lease/52.68 and Variety Foods-dishwasher lease/65.00. Total-$117.68.
Special Education: Abbott House-services/1090.40, Human Services Agency-services/1339.20, and NESC-assess/1623.05-center base/7092.62 . Total-$11,145.27.
Food Service: CWD-food/2028.15, Earthgrains-food/203.76, Hy-Vee-food/245.81, D. Southwick-food/25.40, Star Laundry-laundry/98.09, Variety Foods-food/269.56, and Visa-food/66.11. Total-$2,936.88.
Trust & Agency: Days Inn-rooms/263.96, Etch-prom glasses/175.00, B. Guthmiller-reimb for prom/112.83, S. Holderby-prizes/50.00, LAE-Prom shirts/490.00, Menards-prom supp/149.70, Oriental Trading-supp/69.38, Stumps-prom supp/131.68, Visa-supp/80.91, GWB-Cash-state conv per diem/84.00, SDSCAA-donation from st council-202.70, Pizza Ranch-Dakota Step rewards/72.00, and S. Schmeling-prom DJ/500.00. Total $2,382.16.
Payroll: General: Elementary $34,257.95, Middle School $7,460.27, Secondary $20,096.97, Driver’s Ed $0.00, Reap $1,366.80, Title I $4,237.43, Title I ARRA $0.00, Guidance $2,645.83, Improvement of Instruction $130.00, Board of Education $0.00, Superintendent $2933.33, Principal $2933.34, Title I Administration $0.00, Fiscal $5,551.72, Operations & Maintenance $4,337.71, Pupil Transportation $5,727.80, Title I Private $214.17, Early Retirement $0.00, Male Activities $133.33, Female Activities $133.34, and Co-curricular $1,428.41. General Fund Total $93,888.40. Sped: $7,492.33. Food Service: $3,523.27.
Buildings and Grounds report: Looking into moving garage over by football field to use as concessions and storage building.
Motion by Heuer, second by Thyen to declare the house located on the corner of the school lot as surplus. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to advertise for bid the house located on the corner of the Waverly school lot in Waverly, SD to be moved within 60 days of the date of sale. The bids will be opened at the next regular board meeting, May 9, 2011 beginning at 7:00 PM. If anyone is interested in viewing the house please contact the school at 605-886-9174.
M. Fischer gave LAMD report.
D. Jones gave NESC report.
D. Jones gave the transportation report. There are a couple of buses that had a broken hose and a new starter.
D. Jones and M. Hemmingson gave administrative reports: Jones-3 went to student council convention in Pierre, student council elections will be at the end of this month, 3 placed at the ECC math & business contest, math contest at Aberdeen on Thursday, Megan Minatra won a trip to the International Science Fair in Los Angeles, track has started, Mr. Meyer went to the AD conference, Skills USA results, Dakota Step testing is Tuesday through Friday, working on schedule for next year, and DDN discussion. Hemmingson-will be going with Cash Management Plus to save some fees.
Business Items:
Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to approve the second reading of an update to the District Policy to Ensure the Rights of Children Experiencing Homelessness. Motion carried.
Motion by Thyen, second by Buchholz to approve the first reading of the District complaint Policy for Federal Programs. Motion carried.
Motion by Heuer, second by Fischer to approve reimbursement for Aces classes due to misinformation, the board will refund the cost of the ACES packet fee for the students of the classes of 2011 and 2012 based on the fact the classes taken by these students do not meet the requirements for graduation. Motion carried.
Motion by Thyen, second by Buchholz to approve the refurbishing of the Waverly gym floor. Motion carried.
Motion by Buchholz, second by Heuer to approve to buy out the lease on the printer/fax combo located in the business office in Waverly. Motion carried.
Discussion on the 2011-2012 budget.
Motion by Heuer, second by Thyen to approve elementary summer reading and math program at 2 times per week for 6 weeks. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Thyen to approve the 2011-2012 school calendar. Motion carried.
Motion by Thyen, second by Heuer to authorize membership in the SDHSAA for the 2011-2012 school year. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Heuer to enter into executive session for personnel, legal, and negotiations issues at 9:40 PM.
Declared out by board chairman at 11:00 PM.
Motion by Thyen, second by Heuer to approve the resignation of J. Volkenant for yearbook and oral interp contingent upon administration finding a suitable replacement. Motion carried. Motion by Buchholz, second by Heuer to approve the resignation of B. Guthmiller for JR class concessions contingent upon administration finding a suitable replacement. Motion carried.
Motion by Thyen, second by Buchholz to approve the following certified contracts for the 2011-2012 school year. Motion carried.
Carpenter, Sara
David, Matt
DePauw, Teresa
Evjen, Jody
Gross, Ryon
Guthmiller, Brenda
Kirch, Billy
Lehrke, Amy
Levsen, Joyce
Luken, Susan
Mack, Sharon
Mueller, Sheila
Nelson, Tasha
Owen, Nancie
Palo, Rodney
Robbins, Joy
Ronke, Tracy
Strang, Sarah
Swenson, Denise
Thomas, Kay
Volkenant, Jo Ann
Motion by Heuer, second by Thyen to approve the superintendent/principal contract for D. Jones for the 2011-2012 school year. Motion carried.
Motion by Fischer, second by Thyen to adjourn the meeting at 11:05 PM. Motion carried. Next regular board meeting to be held on Monday May 9, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. in Waverly.
_David Strang_____ Misty Hemmingson_____
Published once at the approximate cost of $________.